christinacarter Christina Carter

I have been a fetish-bondage model in the adult entertainment business for over 20 years. I’ve watched dozens of models come and go. I guess being a fetish-bondage model isn’t for everyone! ;) I will say, along the way I’ve not always made the best career or business decisions but I do feel like I have learned from my mistakes. I think someday when this is all over I’m going to write a tell-all book about the business.

I grew up in a small town in Northeastern Ohio, a tomboy, playing any kind of game you can think up. My cousins used to say; if they let girls on the football team I would make them champions. I did well in school but took on a full time job as soon as I was allowed. I guess I wanted to be all grown up… fast.

At age 19, I was already opening a business…a strip club. I guess that was my “introduction” to the adult entertainment world and then two more clubs followed. I also started doing some legitimate modeling working for a couple of agencies in the Midwest but they thought it unprofessional to mix traditional modeling with the fetish-bondage world. Too late, because I’d already done a few shoots.

I guess I have to mention the dozens of bikini contests I was in and winning. Then I became the MC for the contests. I have done promotional work for dozens of companies. I was the Thunder Harley Davidson Girl for years (commercials, ads, events). I worked for two show promoters and met many celebrities being the “go to” girl at many concerts.

So how did I end up here? I guess bondage and fetish found me. It won me, and my life over and overall I have no regrets. I have met some of the greatest people in this business along with my share of assholes. But hands down it is YOU my fans that truly keep me going! Any of you that know me know that’s no bullshit. I return everyone’s emails at least the polite ones, stop and pose for pictures and always remember that it is YOU my fans that make all of this possible. You’re here even through the curve balls life has sent me. Through sickness and health… dare I say it? I feel like I am in a marriage, not a business! That’s why I am here… for you!

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