I see you've finally found this page, where all of my porn seems to have found itself. When I'm not goofing off live on cam, I'm producing porn that really does teeter the edge between arousing and just... weird? As I say time and time again, I'm really not as innocent as I look... subscribe, and you may get more than what you bargained for.
My page consists of all of the following:
✨ daily posts
✨ fully explicit posts on the timeline for FREE
✨ collaborations with female models!
✨ blog posts, day in the life sort of thing!
✨ all natural content
✨ live stream edits
✨ optional PPV
✨ custom content when required!
You also have full, ready access to talk to me whenever you want to! I don't have an assistant that runs this page, it's just little old me, so rest assured, if you want to get to know me a little better when I'm not livestreaming, this is the place to be <3